Monday, June 27, 2011

What have they been up to...?

It's been quite a while... I have a gazillion pics and movies, but here are a couple of new ones :)

And here are a couple of videos...

Zoey vs. The Dragongly... (and penny too)
- I love this one... Zoey wanted the giant dragonfly but didn't know how to get it... and Penny seemed to be barking to be cool... I don't think she really knew what Zoey was barking about.

Zoey and Penny vs. The Laser Pointer
- Got a sweet laser pointer pen from a conference... and boy did those dogs want to catch the red dot... I've seen other dogs do this, but had never tried it with my two crazies :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Christmas with the Pups

We've been pretty busy with life, but I wanted to put up some pictures from Christmas... We had Kirsten and Chris stay with us for a few days... Penny loved to cuddle with them...and get her belly rubbed!

In the spirit of giving, Zoey and Penny gave one of their bones to their good friend Opie the puggle. He loved his bone so much, he kept trying to find spots to hide it so Zoey couldn't take it back :-)

We had a christmas party, where we got Zoey to wear these pretty antlers... She is not very impressed.. but hey, it's Christmas :)

Penny got to be the reindeer :)
The dogs were quite spoiled.. lots of new toys and treats from
friends AND family ;-) Here Zoey got a Santa stocking of toys and she kept trying to carry it onto the couch.

The girls also got a giant bone... it will take them quite a while to get through, but they both quite enjoyed the bone, as you can tell...

Plus, here is a funny video of Zoey opening her first present. So great!
More funny pictures to come...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Penny gets a Rain Coat!

We got a ton of rain over the summer so I thought since Penny doesn't mind wearing clothes, I could get her a raincoat... ok so it was just from Dollarama! Anyways, Penny is bigger than I thought and I totally bought the coat one size too small... But she posed with it on anyways :-)

Although she IS completely un-impressed! LOL

Monday, October 25, 2010

So Mark did some tree trimming and had stcked all the branches in the backyard. Zoey started investigating immediately and started eating at the leaves and digging... pretty soon she had dug out her own DOG CAVE!!!!!

Mark left the Dog Cave around for about a week and everytime we let Zoey out she would hide inside and chew on the bark for 20 - 30 minutes at a time. After a few days Penny started chewing as well, but always stayed on the outside... it was pretty hilarious :-)

Since the Dog Fort, Penny has started playing with sticks and not letting Zoey keep them all. I like it when Penny starts to take charge :-)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Summer Summary

So Mark and I got married in September so THAT is my excuse for not posting very much over the summer... So here is my quick Summaer Summary!

We took them to the local dog parka lot and they loved running free and meeting a ton of new dogs. A few things we learned from this:
Zoey is a very submissive dog
Penny is not and runs up and barks at pitbulls and rottweilers alike
They can't stay away from the mud
The fit right in with the little dog packs

After the dog park they usually crashed hard... this is a common position, snuggling together up on the couch...

When my mom was up, we closed the blinds so they couldn't bark at other dogs on walks or squirrels hanging out on the lawn... Zoey found a way in and then they proceeded to fight with the drapes between them... sheesh!

Zoey LOVES her rawhide... Penny is just starting to like eating rawhide, But Zoey can't get enough...
Is this why she looks so fat? LOL... Zoey is the biggest suck and often cuddles with Mark like this while he watches TV...

A favourite place to hang out this summer was my parents house! The huge backyard and tons of trees is great for them to go exploring... in this picture, Zoey was relaxing in the shade after being "chased" around by Penny.
Relaxing inside the house while Dad cooked us a yummy steak dinner...
Penny also quite enjoying the outside... and cleary very tired from "chasing" Zoey around. When I say chasing, basically Zoey runs as fast as she can and Penny hangs out in the middle and nips at Zoey as she runs by... A movie will be posted eventually...

Penny was at least trying in this picture... They're just too cute!!!
The girls LOVE to stick their heads out the window... Penny is pretty happy, even though Zoey often crowds her out and she always has to fight for a spot at the window... look at her windblown face hahaha!

For my wedding shower, my Auntie Kim got the girls their own Rider tutus! They don't ever get dressed up but were pretty good and were still long enough for me to take a picture...
Ok, I WAS holding up a treat... (see Zoey's eyes haha)
All in all, it was a very busy and great summer... We're building our fence this weekend so hopefully soon the girls can get a doggie door and run free!
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our New Friend Max

So Mark saw a dog running down the easment and heading towards Grant Road. He ran out of the house and caught him. Brought him in our house and tried to call his owner. Because his owner was out looking for him, Mark tied Max up in the backyard with Penny and we waited.
Finally we got a hold of the owner and he came to pick Max up. Max was such a great dog, very well bahaved and only barked when Zoey got excited and jumped at him. Zoey, not so much of a good girl.